Next up…

“Girls you’ve gotta know when it’s time to turn the page.” Tori Amos, From the Choirgirl Hotel

Thank you so much to everyone for your support and love. We are all in this stupid club together right? Those of you who are now pregnant after dealing with soo much, you ladies honestly give me so much hope that I’ll get there. Maybe not next month, or the month after, but eventually, so thank you. ❤

Now, after the events of Sunday, I don't even know what to do next. Here's what I know:

I know I'm amazing at getting pregnant, I'm just shit at sustaining past the first trimester. I have no PCOS, no endometriosis, no uterine septums or fibroids. My lady parts are in full working order as far as they can tell. I'm drinking raspberry leaf and pregnancy tea every day and my hair, skin and nails are looking fabulous because of the mountain of supplements and probiotics and baby aspirin. Acupuncture is helping to keep me relatively balanced despite yet another early pregnancy failure. I'm almost down to my goal weight because of CrossFit, which should keep the chance of getting gestational diabetes down when I do get to carry a baby to term.

So what does this mean?

I have no idea what to do next.

Oh, and super fun bonus fact, I just heard that the doc, the so-called “fertility whisperer” that I went to go see in October up and left the practice in December. Yeah, he’s poof, gone without a trace. *grumble volcano* What ticks me off is that he told me to come back in three to six months, knowing full well he was jumping ship soon. Grrrr. Oh well, I booked a follow up appointment with one of his remaining colleagues for the 15th of April, mostly to discuss my options and my lack of septum.

What do I do next? Should I just try try try again next cycle and risk yet another disappointment a few months from now? Or should I ask my ob/gyn about fertility drugs? I've heard good and bad things about Clomid and I wonder if my doc would even think it's a good idea. Is it time to think about other tests? What other tests should I even look for? Yes, I do realize I could just Google "fertility testing", but with such a wealth of misinformation and malarkey out there, I thought I could ask the ttc brigade. 😉

One thought on “Next up…

  1. I’m sorry. The whole “everything came back normal” thing really sucks! Don’t get me wrong, yay everything is working properly, but what’s the point if it works but doesn’t do what it is meant to do!?! I feel your pain on that one 😦

    Even though everything has come back normal, my dr has me on Femara and progesterone (again all levels are normal, it’s sort of “just in case”). And then last month she also had me trigger ovulation even though that’s not an issue either. So we shall see. I figure at least I can say that I tried. 🙂 Good luck!!!!

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